ICA 2023

ICA2023 will bring actuaries together from across the globe – in person and online – to share their challenges and triumphs, their expertise and insights, their plans for a better future.

"Get involved. The world is run by those who show up.”

ICA2023 will bring actuaries together from across the globe – in person and online – to share their challenges and triumphs, their expertise and insights, their plans for a better future.

The Congress will be inspiring, energising – and fun. And it will shape the future of the profession and all who attend. ICA2023 will be the first Congress offering sponsors, delegates, and speakers the chance to connect in a hybrid format.

Delegates can meet, share, and learn face-to-face in Sydney, one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Or connect online via a state-of-the-art virtual platform that’s tuned to meet delegate needs for connection and inspiration as well as education. With a sophisticated live digital interface and on-demand delivery, ICA2023 will reach more people in more countries – and at a time that suits their needs.

Event informatie

Tijden: 08:30 - 17:00 uur
Locatie: International Convention Centre Sydney en online
Plaats: Sydney (Australië) en online
Meer informatie en registratie

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